2024 - 2025

President Hi! My name is Jennifer Schimmoller, I'm a senior majoring in Marketing from Charlotte, NC. I've been with AMA since my freshman year and am the current president of our chapter. In my free time, I love to travel, try new coffee shops, and work out.

Executive VP of Strategy Hi everyone my name is Vidisha Mahajan. I’m a senior from Charlotte, NC majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in marketing. I’ve been involved with AMA since my freshman year and have had a great experience ever since! I had grown so much professionally and met so many amazing people. One fun fact about me is that I love traveling and recently studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain. I’m super excited for all the events this year and to meet everyone!

VP of Digital Branding and Content Hi everyone! My name is Radhika Kulkarni. I am a junior majoring in Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing and a double minor in Psychology and Data Science. This is my second year on the leadership team and I'm excited to meet more new faces!

VP of Communications As a transfer student, AMA has been a big part of helping me find my footing at Poole College, providing opportunities to connect, lead, and grow professionally. I’m passionate about golf and its connection to the business world. Outside of AMA, you’ll usually find me on the course, working at @packathletics events, or exploring Raleigh’s coffee shops. Looking forward to a great year with AMA!

VP of Administration

VP of Professional Development Hi everyone! My name is Izzy Benson. I am a junior currently majoring in Business Administrstion with a concentration in marketing. I am from Richmond, virginia, and this is my first year on the AMA executive board and my second year in the club. I’m also minoring in International Studies as I love traveling and exploring new places. In my free time, you’ll probably find me outdoors or hanging out with friends!

VP of DEI Hey everyone! My name is Malak Hassanein and I am from Greensboro, NC. I'm a junior studying Psychology with a double minor in Business Admin and French. I've been part of AMA since my freshman year, and I can't wait to continue to grow as a chapter! In my free time, I love to go thrifting, try a new food/coffee spot and hang out with friends.

VP of Community Relations Hi Everyone, my name is Arjun Pradhan! I’m currently a Junior majoring in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing. I have been with AMA for around a year and a half now, and the reason I joined was because I really wanted to be apart of a professional organization that would help me grow, develop, and shape my career! In my free time, I like to play table tennis or tap into my love for music by playing an Indian instrument called the Tabla!

VP of Membership

VP of Sponsorships

VP of Finance

CEO of CMS Hey everyone! My name is Gianna Ciardullo and I am from Clayton, NC! I am a junior majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and double minoring in Psychology and Art & Design. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, traveling, and spending time with friends and family! I was the previous VP of Administration for AMA last year and I am super glad to be back for another year as the CEO of CMS this time!

COO of CMS Hello! My name is Lydia Ferguson and I am a Sophomore majoring in Business Administration with a Marketing concentration. I am from Waxhaw, North Carolina, but I have grown up being an NC State fan my entire life. I am serving as the COO of CMS this year and I am super excited to meet all of the new Student Consultants and Account Managers!

Faculty Advisor Tom is originally from Westchester County, NY and has lived in Raleigh since 1995, moving down with IBM. He has a BBA in Marketing, an MBA in Management and a DBA in Marketing. Tom retired from IBM in 2010, after 35 years in Sales/Marketing; He is a SCORE counselor and a Stephens Minister and enjoys most outdoor sports.Currently he is teaching Marketing methods (BUS 360), Product and Brand Management (BUS 467).

Faculty Advisor

Faculty Advisor