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Join the largest organization in the Poole College of Management and start preparing for your future, and building your network!

Why Join AMA?

  1. It will be a great learning experience.

  2. We accept and welcome students with all majors.

  3. You will make many friends and memories.

  4. Because of our size and variety of committees, we have something to interest everyone.

  5. You get to network with business professionals, everyone needs contacts in the "real world."

So How Do I Join?

  1. Open and complete the google form that appears after clicking the "Click Here to Join!" button. 

  2. Payment for membership dues is $45 and can be paid in the following ways:

    1. Submit payment to "NC State AMA" on Venmo with "Membership Dues" in the description

    2. A check made out to "NC State AMA"

    3. Submit payment through PayPal - PayPal.Me/ncsuama

    4. Cash 

  3. If you have any questions or concerns, email the VP of Membership - Aanika Khansaheb at

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